Friday, September 21, 2012

The Allegory of the Groundhog Day film

When I saw the original Matrix film in theatres for the first time a certain scene made me raise an eyebrow. In this particular scene, Morpheus, shortly after "waking up" Neo, says something to the effect of "you believe it is the year 1999, but it is actually closer to 2199". I couldn't help but think "well, there's a BULLSHIT hole in the story, how could ALL THE MASSES OF SOCIETY not REALIZE that it's been '1999' for 200 years?" 

At the time I had decided to "ignore (what I had mistaken for)  bad script-writing" so that I could "enjoy the film". Eventually I came to recognize the REALITY that, in a way, IT HAS BEEN "1999" FOR "200 YEARS" and the half-a-forehead beta beast citizenry DOES NOT REALIZE it!

So, how does the benevolency trick the duh-masses into living in a perpetual "1999" without them knowing it? How exactly ARE the orcs living in a never ending loop and what is it?

Let's start with comparing 1996 to 2012.


In 1996, here is what the programs watched on "primetime television"

and here is what they watch in TWO THOUSAND AND TWELVE

If one were to look out their window in 1996, this is what was seen on the road

If you look at what's on the street today you see

This is what was on computer screens back then

and today

In the early 90's their were "competing" video game systems (with subsequent loyal BRAINDEAD fans ready to TEAR FLESH over why "theirs" was BETTER)

In 2012 their are "competing" video game systems (with subsequent loyal BRAINDEAD fans ready to TEAR FLESH over why "theirs" is BETTER)


A FOOL might say some stupid shit like "1996 wasn't really THAT long ago, how much would change in that amount of time?" so for the BABOONS we'll go further BACK IN TIME

In the 80's it was common to see commuting herds with a device like THIS attached to their heads 

and these attached to their HOOVES

Today it is common to see rampaging bulls with THIS permanently glued to their meaty skulls

and these shackled to their ankleless thanks-to-HCFS cloven feets

There may be a super retardo or two that still wants to disagree with my premise. You CAN'T ARGUE with Bo Goren. You may not LIKE what I  say, but you cannot DENY ME!!!! Let's go further back JUST FOR YOU (moran)

In the 1960's what did the clone-drone duracell batteries force feed their offspring for breakfast?

how about lunch?

In 2012 what do the debt-addict welfare-junky reality-escaping god-fearing duh-masses feed their miserable ADHD infected cracker niglets for breakfast?

and lunch?


Let's go further back YET AGAIN for the remaining idiotgencia 

1940's "quality family time at home"

2012 "quality family time at home"

1940's "quality family time at home"

2012 "quality family time at home"

1940's "quality family time at home"

2012 "quality family time at home"


..AND THEN GO SAVE THE PLANET (kill yourself)

For the rest of you, read on:

So, this now leads me to the topic of this post.

In the film "Groundhog Day" you see Bill Murray's character "reliving the same day" over and over again. At the end of each day the universe "rewinds" but he gets to KEEP all knowledge from the previous repeat. At first he thinks everyone is playing a big joke on him, but then he realizes what is really happening. 

He tries commiting suicide many times but when the cycle starts over he is still alive and physically unscathed. He is left with no choice but to FACE REALITY. He spends this time LEARNING things. He sucked ass at playing piano, but then he LEARNED how to play. He tried hooking up with the hawt co-worker bitch and FAILED HUNDREDS OF TIMES but then eventually got some game. He even learned SOCIAL SKILLS (he was a "dickhead that no one liked" and he became "best friend to all").

The allegory is that THE REAL WORLD is a CYCLE. 

In the film everyday was the same day, everything was the same everyday....EXCEPT HIM. The weather, the people, the circumstances were all STUCK IN A LOOP, but he was FREE TO GROW. 

In REALITY the weather is a loop (day/night summer/winter solstice/equinox) the sheeple are A PROGRAM STUCK IN A LOOP UNTIL DEATH

The bovine cattle, much like the people in the Groundhog Day film, are stuck in a forever repeating loop. They have NO IDEA they are in a loop, and hence no escape for them. Bill Murray was stuck in the loop as well, but once he FACED REALITY he was able to FIX the issues in his life, IMPROVE himself, and a NEW DAY (a new chapter in his life).

Some youngling potential intelligencia here may find that they've been stuck in a day to day loop, too. In your case, you can waste time, go nuts, and kill yourself OR you can use the opportunity to learn things, better yourself, and then escape to your "next day".

The elites put "perpetual repeat" into the societal structure for 2 main reasons. 

1> To compete, you must mimic your competitor and offer (the illusion of) something better. Coca-Cola sells so well BECAUSE Pepsi sells so well. Ford sells so well because GM sells so well. Millions of parasites vote "democrat" because millions of parasites vote "republican" and vice-versa. A person can choose to live under the laws of nature or choose (the illusion of) escaping the harshness of nature for the security (read control) of the intelligencia's society. Nature, as previously mentioned, exists in CYCLES, and hence, it is important for the elite's "alternative offering" to mimic nature.

2> When it comes to controlling something (like a population) and feeding data into the Gamma Knife Computer (so that the Snow White Machine can accurately predict the future) the fewer variables the better. The longer things can stay the SAME (one eyed jew programming, means of transportation, basic "fashion" practices etc) the easier it is to control and predict the current and future behaviors of the masses.

Bill Murray's character in Groundhog Day wouldn't have decided "well, since everyday is just the same day, I'm just going to do the exact same thing everyday"..of course not. But in the societal matrix that surrounds you, incentives (read traps) have been put in place to catch anyone who has the slightest scent of irresponsibility and laziness and hold them in the web. 

For example, if 2 men walked into a bank, one of them has worked the same slave for 10 years and has made (relatively) the same amount of debt notes each year, and the other has had 15 slaves in 5 years and has had a variation in income each year so wide it resembles a bitch's asshole, who would get the bigger loan? 

The guy who took the safety and security (read lazy and irresponsible) route by slaving for the same master for 10 years or the guy who took the "dangerous" and "unpredictable" route? The bank would tell man A "you are safe and secure" and man B "you are dangerous and unpredictable".

In reality, though, the 10 year slaver has the 1 skill from the one slave job, and the migrater slave has 15 skills from 15 slave jobs. If the 2 guys wanted to start their own business related to their work experience, man A would have zero or maybe ONE option (slim chance), and man B would have up to FIFTEEN options! 

Societal programming would tell you "actually man B is irresponsible and/or lazy because he couldn't hold a job" but the TRUTH is, one has 1 skill and the other has 15, so who is more intelligent/experienced?

I dropped out of high (read slave) school early and got my GED a few months later. It's a funny thing because this dropout got his diploma A YEAR AND A HALF sooner than all of his former hivemates. While they were still getting indoctrinated for 1.5 years I was already working a part time job bagging groceries and had a lawn mower in the summer snow shoveler in the winter hustle. 

The dropout, with his smile, tan and pocket full of debt notes got to pick and choose which honor roll students, with their dark circle under eyes, empty pockets and headache from 8 hours of memorization and bad ventilation, to have as his henchman posse. 

What is the REAL difference between a GED and a diploma? A GED can only get you into the less expensive colleges, and the HSD can get you into more expensive colleges, and THAT'S IT! In retrospect, I've found a diploma to be nearly worthless. At a job interview they ask "do you have a diploma" I say "yes" and they click the checkmark on the computer for "has diploma?" I could've skipped the GED scantron and just said "yes" when asked anyway.

I suppose being a looping program subroutine (like the characters in Groundhog Day) comes easy..IF YOU'RE A NON-THINKER FEARFUL FOLLOWER SHEEP! As for me, and  many intelligencia, a "routine" is like being thrown UNDER A JAIL. 

I avoid routine like a spoilt cat avoids water. Benjamin Franklin, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein..did they build, create, develop and invent or did they simply do the same toil DAY AFTER DAY? 

Things that HAVE to be done over and over (eating, shitting, brushing teeth, sleeping and so on) instead of routine do a ritual. Instead of the routine of "burger kang or macdonnell..hey maybe subway!" why not the ritual of cooking something new everyday or cooking something you really like and adding variations to it? 

If you brush and floss everyday twice a day, it's a chore. Why not floss as part of your eating ritual and brush every 2-3 days? If you wait 2 days to brush your teeth, it's actually very enjoyable and pleasureable when you DO brush your teeth. 

Instead of sleeping 9 pm to 5 am each night waking up groggy why not stay up longer, go to sleep when VERY tired (which leads to a good quality snore fest), sleep fewer hours, and then nap/meditate in the day time? 

Joe Rogan owns a hyperbolic chamber he uses to meditate, djhives meditates by laying out in the sun, I meditate in a hot tub or my own bath tub. When it comes to the toilet, ever heard of a beday? Which is better, mundane routine or pleasurable ritual?

Due to this hatred of routine I never stayed at the same slave for long. 8 months to 2 years TOPS. When I switched jobs, I switched FIELDS. I'd go from a factory where I went to work in my grubbiest clothes to working in an office where I'd "dress up" for work. I'd go from an overnight shift to a late morning/afternoon shift. FUCK routine! 

I've done automobile assembly line, banking, telemarketing, construction, mopping at a nursing home, door to door vacuum sales, working with disabled kids, laying concrete, flipping burgers, driving a truck, repairing cell phones, painting walls, mover (move people's shit outta their old apt and into a new apt), factory boat part assembly line, driveway retarring, and on and on.

Who has lived mindlessly in a groundhog day routine for 10 years, and who has LIVED trying to make sure each day is different than the last? Who has more things to talk about, more intelligence, more experience, and has had found more enjoyment in life?

The guy who slaved at J&J Fartanugget for a decade, or the guy who has done automobile assembly line, banking, telemarketing, construction, mopping at a nursing home, door to door vacuum sales, working with disabled kids, laying concrete, flipping burgers, driving a truck, repairing cell phones, painting walls, mover (move people's shit outta their old apt and into a new apt), factory boat part assembly line, driveway retarring, and on and on in a decade?


Paul FAGGOT and Associates for 20 years, or automobile assembly line, banking, telemarketing, construction, mopping at a nursing home, door to door vacuum sales, working with disabled kids, laying concrete, flipping burgers, driving a truck, repairing cell phones, painting walls, mover (move people's shit outta their old apt and into a new apt), factory boat part assembly line, driveway retarring, and on and on in 5 years?

Turn off your brain for 30 years and end up stupid, in debt, and lifeless, or USE your brain, LIVE life, keep it fresh, and have stories to tell. Your choice.

-- Bo Goren

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  1. wow! I've never looked at it that way before.. we really are stuck in a never ending loop aren't we?

  2. Mad props kid! You quoted me in your post

  3. Me too. GED. My dad told me one day that he thought that it was a good decision. Got a 2 year General Studies degree. Accidentally, really. Just kept attending. Anyway, many images don't display here. Also, the conflict is biblical, spiritual. People being steeple is an over simplification. There are those who are rapt in what is wrong with the other guy and in time many become "awakened" to their own lack and need for a Savior. Then the 9 to 5 is a calling and we receive an abundant, new life that is still very challenging. The spiritual strategy against us gets changed up significantly. Turns out our Creator knows best. Who knew? Jesus was right about everything. We are all born of the water but to live eternally we must be "born if the spirit"; must be born again. Gospel of John, chapter 3.

  4. Me too. GED. My dad told me one day that he thought that it was a good decision. Got a 2 year General Studies degree. Accidentally, really. Just kept attending. Anyway, many images don't display here. Also, the conflict is biblical, spiritual. People being steeple is an over simplification. There are those who are rapt in what is wrong with the other guy and in time many become "awakened" to their own lack and need for a Savior. Then the 9 to 5 is a calling and we receive an abundant, new life that is still very challenging. The spiritual strategy against us gets changed up significantly. Turns out our Creator knows best. Who knew? Jesus was right about everything. We are all born of the water but to live eternally we must be "born if the spirit"; must be born again. Gospel of John, chapter 3.
